When you live in Malone NY you live in a Town and a Village with a deep sense of history and community. You can count on your neighbors to attend hockey games, shop at your church craft fair, volunteer to deliver meals on wheels, donate school scholarships, help out when a tree blows down in your driveway, and so much more. It takes everyone pitching in together to make a difference.
When friends in Canada ask me where I live and I say Malone, many immediately recognize Titus Family Ski Center and the Malone Golf Club. The Salmon River, a premier fly fishing stream running through the middle of the Town, the Wilder Homestead nearby, and the gateway to the Adirondack Park, to mention just a few of our community’s assets, are a strong base for a tourism economy. Organizations within the community like the Chamber of Commerce, the Village of Malone, and Franklin County already are promoting Malone; and we can do so much more.

Tourism alone is not enough for a vibrant community. Cornell Cooperative Extension, Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District, the historic Franklin County Fair, all are located in Malone making our community the center of Franklin County’s agricultural economy. Protecting our agricultural resources is important for our future.
Solar Energy
We all support renewable energy done at a scale appropriate to the community, and projects that meet community standards and contribute to everyone’s well-being.

Building Renovation
Malone has many beautiful historic buildings. While many that are in disrepair are within the Village boundary, the Town can work with the Village, school district and other organizations to continue obtaining grants and enforcing codes to increase property values and make Malone attractive for investment.