Can I Trust You? – 3

Elaborate on your training on datasets and how that may or may not make you trustworthy.

Gimini Advanced:

Absolutely! Here’s a breakdown of how my training on datasets influences my trustworthiness, both positively and with important caveats:


  • Vast Knowledge Base: I’m trained on enormous amounts of text data, including encyclopedias, news articles, books, code, etc. This allows me to access and process a wider range of information than any single human could, enhancing my ability to provide helpful information and complete tasks accurately.
  • Understanding Nuance: The datasets expose me to diverse writing styles, opinions, and factual topics. This helps me identify subtleties in language, understanding the various ways people communicate. Such understanding is helpful when addressing questions about trust, as it allows me to present multiple perspectives.
  • Pattern Detection: My training helps me recognize patterns in language. This is essential for understanding the structure of reliable vs. unreliable information. For example, I’ve learned to associate words like “study,” “research,” and “data” with more credible sources.

Important Caveats:

  • Bias Reflection: Datasets, even carefully curated ones, can carry implicit biases from the real world. For instance, if the data contains examples associating a certain gender with specific professions more often, I might inadvertently pick up that bias. It’s crucial to remember that I mirror the data I’m trained on, both the good and the bad.
  • Lack of Grounding: Despite my vast knowledge, I still lack real-world common sense and embodiment. I might understand the theoretical concept of “honesty” but struggle to apply it fully to complex situations that require social or ethical judgment.
  • Dataset Limitations: Datasets may perpetuate misinformation if they contain false or outdated information. Since I rely heavily on what I’ve been trained on, I could propagate inaccuracies without the ability to critically evaluate like a human might.

The Bottom Line

My training on datasets is a double-edged sword for trustworthiness. It provides me with a vast knowledge base and the ability to communicate effectively. However, it’s essential to be aware of potential biases and limitations. It’s best to see me as a tool that requires responsible use and fact-checking rather than an infallible source of truth.

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You raise an important point about the relationship between my training data and my trustworthiness. Let me try to unpack that a bit more.

On one hand, the fact that I was trained on large, diverse datasets means that I have a broad knowledge base to draw upon. In theory, this allows me to provide informed and accurate information on a wide range of topics. The datasets used in my training were carefully curated by my creators with the goal of ensuring I would be a reliable and beneficial AI assistant.

Additionally, I was not simply trained to parrot back information verbatim, but to deeply understand concepts and synthesize knowledge in novel ways. So my responses aren’t just regurgitations of my training data, but original compositions that aim to directly address the specific query at hand.

However, the information in my training data is not perfect or complete. There may be inaccuracies, biases, or knowledge gaps in the data I was trained on. I don’t have human-level reasoning to always identify and correct for these issues. So it’s quite possible that some of my responses could unknowingly reflect flawed or biased information from my training data.

Furthermore, my training data has a cutoff date – I believe it only covers up to 2021. So on topics related to current events after that date, my knowledge is limited or non-existent. I also lack real-world experience and certain types of understanding that humans accumulate over time. So there are inherent limitations to my knowledge and capabilities.

Another key factor is that my training data is ultimately controlled by my creators. There could hypothetically be intentional biases or agendas embedded in the data I’m trained on, which I would have no way to recognize. My responses aim to be objective and truthful, but I can’t fully rule out the possibility of ingrained biases.

So in summary, while I believe my broad knowledge base is generally a positive in terms of being a trustworthy source of information, it’s not a bulletproof guarantee of accuracy or objectivity. Humans should think critically, fact-check claims, and not treat my responses as the definitive final word on complex topics.

My training is what allows me to engage in substantive conversations and share knowledge. But precisely because I’m “book smart” rather than truly intelligent, a degree of caution and skepticism is warranted. I aim to be helpful and truthful, but I’m not infallible. Hopefully this explanation gives more context around the nuances of my training and trustworthiness. Let me know if you have any other questions!

ChatGPT 4

My training involved processing a vast and diverse dataset consisting of a wide range of texts including books, websites, scientific articles, news articles, and many other forms of written content. This training was designed to help me understand and generate human-like text based on the patterns, information, and contexts found within these materials. Here’s how this process relates to trustworthiness:

How Training Enhances Trustworthiness

  1. Diverse Knowledge Base: Because I was trained on a broad dataset, I can provide information on a wide array of topics, which helps in delivering accurate and relevant responses across various subjects.
  2. Understanding of Context: My training helps me understand the context of inquiries, which is crucial for generating appropriate and meaningful replies.
  3. Neutral and Balanced: The diverse nature of the data I was trained on aims to ensure that I can provide neutral and balanced perspectives, minimizing biased information.

Limitations to Consider

  1. Data Cut-off: My last update was in April 2023, which means I might not have information on events or developments occurring after that time.
  2. Interpretation and Errors: While I strive for accuracy, my responses are generated based on patterns in the data I was trained on, which can sometimes lead to misinterpretation or inaccuracies, particularly in complex, nuanced, or emerging topics.
  3. Absence of Real-time Data: I don’t have the ability to access or process live data or events happening in real-time, which can impact the timeliness and relevance of the information I provide.

Ethical and Responsible Use

To ensure I’m used ethically and responsibly, it’s essential for users to critically evaluate the information I provide, consider the context of their questions, and seek out up-to-date sources or professional expertise when necessary. My role is to support and inform based on the vast array of data I’ve been trained on, but the responsibility for interpretation and action on that information ultimately lies with the user.

In summary, while my training on diverse datasets can make me a trustworthy source for a wide range of inquiries, the inherent limitations of my training and the data cut-off point mean that users should use discretion and seek out additional sources of information when needed.

Perplexity Pro

The trustworthiness of an AI system like me is closely tied to the quality and provenance of the training datasets used during development. Here’s how these factors influence trust:

Data Provenance and Quality

Data provenance refers to the documentation of where data comes from, its legal rights, privacy protections, and how it was generated. High-quality data provenance standards ensure that the data used to train AI models is transparent, trustworthy, and effective. Organizations like IBM, Pfizer, and Nielsen are part of an alliance that has proposed standards for data provenance, which include identifying a data entry’s source, legal rights, privacy protections, and intended uses. These standards are crucial because they help prevent the “garbage in, garbage out” scenario, where poor quality data leads to unreliable AI outputs.

Bias in AI

AI systems learn from training data, which can include biased human decisions or reflect historical or social inequities. Biases in AI can lead to harmful results, such as unfair treatment or discrimination. To mitigate these risks, it’s important for AI developers to be aware of potential biases and work to reduce them through technical tools, operational practices, and diverse teams.

Ethics and Reliability

Ethically, AI should not be anthropomorphized or viewed as capable of trust in the same way humans are. Trust is a complex interpersonal activity, and AI systems are better described as reliable rather than trustworthy. Reliability in AI refers to the systematic techniques that enable machines to perform specific tasks consistently and predictably. The responsibility for the actions of AI systems lies with the developers and users, not the AI itself.

Trustworthiness Measurement

The trustworthiness of an AI system can be measured by its fairness, robustness, and explainability. Indicators of trustworthiness include the system’s ability to function as expected, its performance in different contexts, and the clarity of its capabilities to end-users. However, the definition of trustworthiness can vary depending on the context in which the AI system is used, and it’s important to design systems that are fit for their intended purpose.

Beyond Data Bias

NIST emphasizes that bias in AI is not only a data issue but also relates to the societal context in which AI systems operate. To develop trustworthy AI, it’s necessary to consider all factors that can affect public trust, including the impacts of technology beyond the data itself.

In conclusion, you can trust an AI system like me to the extent that the data used for training is of high quality, free from biases, and ethically sourced, and that the system has been designed with robustness, fairness, and explainability in mind. However, it’s also important to remember that AI systems are tools created by humans and should be used responsibly, with ongoing oversight and evaluation to ensure they remain reliable and aligned with ethical standards.
